Saturated Fat: Friend or Foe?
In case you haven’t been paying attention (although this one was hard to miss as it was all over the airwaves and blogosphere) a meta-analysis was recently...
Sick Care or Health Care
Could it be that we could solve most of our health problems just by changing our diets? What a radical idea. Not really.
According to Dr. Roberts,...
AGEs, Antioxidants and Brain Health
We all know the ugly statistics. Deaths from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have seen a steady increase over the last few decades and it is now the sixth leading...
Embracing Fat: Better for Weight Loss and Cardiac Health?
Every other week it seems we hear another media report of how saturated fat, once the villain, is now good for us.
The latest study to hit the...
Executives and Nutritional Beliefs
One of the things we ask our executives prior to attending our LAP program is to describe the healthy and unhealthy aspects of their diet. I always find...
Why Chicken is Not a Vegetable
And Other Chicken Tales
There is a pervasive believe that chicken and fish are health foods. Now I can understand why people may think that fish...