Below are links to videos that provide helpful and research based information on important questions and health topics that often come up. So what about ketogenic diets or bone broth or TMAO? Is diabetes reversible? Is eating gluten free-helpful, harmful or harmless?

(I will often send some of these links to clients that have specific health issues, like arthritis or gout, for example).

Reversing Heart Disease

This is probably one of the most important presentations you can watch. Here Dr Caldwald Esselstyn shares his powerful and compelling research on how to reverse and arrest the progression of our number 1 killer. He also talks about the mechanisms and how our food choices can either hurt our help our arteries. (60 min)

Here is a shortened version of a presenation by Dr Dean Ornish regarding his remarkable work with reversing heart disease in patients with severe heart disease using lifestyle changes. If you only watch one presentation, this is the one to watch. (3:44 min)  For the full version go here: (21 min)

The Power of Nitric Oxide:

Building on the information presentated by Dr Esselstyn, Dr Greger explains why niitric oxide plays such an important role in keeping are arteries healthy: oxide   (3 min)

Primary Causitive Factor:

According to Dr Roberts, the long time editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Cardiology, the primary causative factor for atherosclerosis is elevated LDL. But how low do you have to go to really reduce your buildup? (4.5 min)

What is the tolerable upper intake for saturated fat, trans fat or cholestesterol when it comes to raising our cholesterol? This video tells you what the IOM (Institute of Medicine) said after they reviewed the data. (2.5 min)

How much of an impact does switching from beef to chicken or fish have on lowering our cholesterol levels? (4.7 min)


TMAO or trimethylamineoxide is the new kid on the "increases risk" block. It promotes deposition of plaque and inhibits HDL's protective functions. Find out how it is made and how it can increase our risk even if our serum cholesterol levels are low. (4.5 min)

Ruptured Plaque:

Most heart attacks occur as a result of ruptured plaque. This rupture causes a blood clot which can then lodge in the arteries to our heart, causing a heart attack. The traditional view is that this rupture was the result of inflammation. However, this research presents an alternative mechanism. (3.5 min)

LDL Size:

Some people claim that large LDL particles are benign and do not increase our risk, whereas small dense LDL particles, which can more easily enter the subendothelial space (our arterial walls), increases our risk. Does this idea stand up to scrutiny?  Is it worth getting your LDL particle size measured? Find out more here. (4.75 min)

Coconut Oil, HDL, Fatty Blood and Artery Function:

Does boosting our HDL by eating more fat (i.e. coconut oil) decrease our risk? Is coconut oil helpful or harmful? What diet is best for arterial function? And, what happened to thier blood and arterial function when subjects ate a fatty meal? (5.5 min) (6.5 min) (4.7 min) (4.25 min)

Weight Loss:

One of the most important concepts to understand when trying to lose weight is that of calorie density. These videos explore why. (5 min)

In this entertaining and helpful presentation, “How to Lose Weight without Losing Your Mind”, Dr Lisle talks about the concept of calorie density; why it is one of the most important contributing factors when it comes to weight loss. He also talks about the Pleasure Trap which can undermine weight loss efforts. (72 min)

Jeff Novick, a registered dietician presents “How to Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer.” Understanding a few simple concepts about calorie density is one of the keys to safe and permanent weight loss. In this enlightening, research based and humorous talk, Jeff will show you why choosing the wrong kinds of calories is a major contributing factor to the obesity epidemic. His easy to follow instructions will help you reach your goal weight and live a long and healthy life. (80 min)


What causes cells to become insulin resistant and is diabetes reversible (even in the absence of weight loss)? Find out here: (5 min) (5 min) (5 min) (3.7 min) (56 min)

Common Dietary Points of Confusion

High cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease? (10.5min)

Intermittent fasting; good, bad or indifferent? (19 min)

Ketogenic diets? (7.5 min part I, 5 min part II and 6 min part III) (16.75 min) (23 min)

Does raising HDL decrease risk? (10.75 min)

What about the Blood Type diet? (5.75 min) (11.5 min)

Bone broth healthy? (4.3 min) (9 min)


What about soy? (6.5 min) (2.8 min) (7.5 min)

F. What about gluten? (5.3 min) (6.75 min)

G. What about lectins? (5.3 min) (7 min) (short read)

H. Healthy and Unhealthy Aspects of the Paleo diet. Does it really withstand scientific scrutiny? (5 min) (6 min)  (select videos)

Good Presentations on Certain Topics

Cancer and Protein  

In this 70 min long presentation, Dr T. Colin Campbell presents his years of research on diet and cancer. He was involved in one of the most comprehensive studies ever done looking at eating patterns and different kinds of cancer and other chronic diseases. This involved over 100 scientists and 24 laboratories from around the world. He also discusses his years of laboratory work looking at the impact of different types of protein on cancer growth and development. Additionally he focusses on the complexity of nutrition, the synergy of various nutrients and why a more holistic approach is needed. Dr Campbell has published over 300 peer reviewed research studies. (70 min)

Cancer and Diet

In this Ted talk, cancer researcher, Dr William Li, shares his research about anti-angiogenic foods. Angiogenesis is the mechanism by which cancer cells create a blood supply in order to continue to grow. There are anti-angiogenic drugs on the market, but some foods are just as powerful (or even more powerful) than some of these drugs. (20 min)

Below are links to a two part presentation that I did on cancer and food. (part 1, 23 min) (part 2, 26 min)

Reversing Diabetes  

Dr Steve Blake, a nutritional biochemist, presents some of the biochemistry behind why and how insulin resistance is created. He touches on how you can reduce your insulin medication even if you have Type 1 diabetes. Based on this information, he presents evidence based information and real world data on how to reverse insulin resistance (Type 2 diabetes), or at the very least, enable one to radically reduce one’s diabetic medications. Dramatic improvements can occur within two weeks of changing one’s diet. Dr Blake has authored 29 books (including text books) as well as created nutritional analyzing software. (52 min)


In this presentation, “A Natural Approach to Arthritis—Keeping Our Joints Young”, Dr Steve Blake presents the science behind what foods to avoid and which foods to include more of when treating and preventing osteoarthritis. He also presents information on those medicinal herbs and supplements that may also be helpful in reducing the associated inflammation. (70 min)

In this lecture, “Inflammatory Arthritis”, Dr McDougall presents data on how foods can affect osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. He tells stories of how many of his patients who were suffering from severe cases of arthritis who were able to get off most if not all of their medications and even reverse their disease. (52 min)

A quick review of the research on diet and RA by Dr. Greger. (7.75 min)

Nutrition and Alzheimer’s (85 min)

Another fascinating presentation by Dr Steve Blake, who recently conducted a promising trial on how to stop the advancement of Alzheimer’s and dementia using diet. He discusses the role of exercise, antioxidants, specific vitamins and other foods that have been shown to help brain function and prevent the buildup of plaque. He also talks about foods that have been shown to hurt brain health and increase risk for AD. He explains how AD happens and the role of amyloid plaque and Tau tangles as well as the difference between AD and vascular dementia.

The Gut Microbiome

Learn more about this latest and hottest area of study. Who knew that a healthy microbiome in the gut was so important? Many things affect it, where you grew up, how you were raised, stress, various medicines and, of course, what you eat. Learn about prebiotics and probiotics and which are helpful and which are less so. Learn how your bacteria “type” can affect your propensity for weight gain, mood and other conditions. (10.5 min) (80 min) (she talks about the gut part way through the presentation) (5.7 min) (4.75 min) (6.3 min)



In this series of videos, learn what the research says regarding gout and diet. Do gout sufferers really need to avoid beans, for example? And, what foods should be avoided or added? (7 min) (5.3 min) (3 min)